The simple leave manager for tiny businesses

Book days off without the faff. Free while in beta and only £4/mo after that.

Set up is fast and the platform is simple

For a small team you just need something that's easy to set up, looks good and does the job. And most importantly it should be centralised so your whole team can see who is off at any one time.

  • Import team members by CSV or manually

  • Team members log in and book

Admin is a breeze, so your team can just book it off.

So many platforms confuse and conflate absence with HR, policies, salary, payroll and everything else. When you only have a few on your team you don't need that yet.

  • Approve or decline holiday requests

  • Set roles and see who is off in which roles

Sign up - step 1


Migration is done for you. No pain switch!

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Almost there

We're doing account setup manually while in beta so we'll have you set up soon!